
IPE - INDÚSTRIA PARANAENSE DE ESTRUTURAS ADDRESS: Av. lguaçu 808, Caixa Postal 2621, 80.000 Curitiba,
Paraná State SECRETARY: Eng. J. C. Boscardin
IPE is developing, for eventual series production, the KW 1
b 2 Quero Quero II single-seat training sailplane, of which
a description follows. It is also working on a new two-seat
training sailplane.
The original KW 1 was designed by Eng Kuno Wiedmaier and
built by the Aeroclube de N. Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul; it
first flew in 1970, and its subsequent development into the
present KW 1 b 2 has been described in previous editions of
Jane’s. The KW 1 b 2 made its first flight on 1 October 1972. It has
a Scheibe Spatz wing section, upper- and lower surface
spoilers, and is built of wood and plywood (Brazilian pine).
There is a trim tab on the port elevator. Type approval by
the Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial, in the semi-aerobatic
category with an extension for cloud flying, was awarded in
December 1976, subject to two minor.
Modifications: the addition of a horn balance to the rudder,
and replacement of the port elevator tab by a spring
compensator. In addition to the prototype (PP-ZPR), three preproduction
Quero Queros have been completed and delivered to the
Brazilian Aero Club. In early 1977 work was in progress on
an initial production batch of 20, of which deliveries were
due to begin in July 1977. |